
Submit Manuscript for International Journal of Tamil Studies

We invite submission of manuscripts for our upcoming issue of Kalanjiyam An International Journal of Tamil Studies, due out in March 2023. This is a free and open access journal now accepting online submissions.

Greetings, scholars! Are you looking for an opportunity to share your own original research with the world? Kalanjiyam is here to offer you just such a chance. Our journal is dedicated to the advancement of Tamil scholarship, culture, language, and literature.

We are now calling for submissions to our upcoming March 2023 issue, which will focus on International Journal of Tamil Studies Online. As you know, the field of Tamil studies is complex and diverse, so we invite both academic and non-academic articles that explore contemporary issues in the field of Tamil studies. We also welcome research articles related to this topic.

If you have any questions or would like more information about how to submit your manuscript to Kalanjiyam’s March 2023 issue, then please visit our website or contact us directly. We look forward to seeing your work!


Overview of the International Journal of Tamil Studies and Kalanjiyam

Are you a researcher, a learner, or an enthusiast of Tamil culture and language? If so, then the International Journal of Tamil Studies (KALANJIYAM) is the perfect platform for you. Published by Kalanjiyam since 1993, KALANJIYAM is an open-access journal devoted to advancing the scholarly understanding of Tamil language and culture.

Covering topics such as linguistics, literature, history, sociology, philosophy, and anthropology; KALANJIYAM provides an authoritative forum for quality research articles and reviews. By publishing diverse perspectives on themes related to Tamil culture and language, KALANJIYAM relies on a network of scholars and experts as contributors.

Kalanjiyam has just announced a call for manuscript submissions for its March 2023 issue. Contributors are invited to submit their research articles in any area related to Tamil language or culture. With its annual print issues, Kalanjiyam encourages submissions from academician researchers worldwide—including students—in order to expand knowledge in these areas.

What Types of Manuscripts and Research Articles Are Invited by the Journal

Kalanjiyam is now accepting submissions for its March 2023 issue. In keeping with its mission to promote the study of Tamil culture, the journal invites manuscripts and research articles that examine all aspects of the Tamil culture and its impacts in the world.

The journal especially encourages submissions that explore:

  • The evolution of Tamil language and literature
  • Contemporary Tamil literature and popular culture
  • Religion and philosophy in Tamil society
  • The history and politics of Tamil Nadu
  • Social issues like racism, gender, casteism, etc.
  • Technology and communication in modern Tamil culture

Kalanjiyam seeks submissions from researchers, scholars, educators and others who are interested in exploring the richness of Tamil culture. All manuscripts should be written in English. Authorship is open to researchers, academics and practitioners from all parts of the globe.

Benefits of Submitting a Manuscript or Article to International Journal of Tamil Studies

If you’re a researcher or a budding writer wanting to publish your work, then you should definitely consider submitting your manuscript or research article to International Journal of Tamil Studies. This prestigious journal is published quarterly in both print and online editions, giving you a chance to reach out to a global audience.

Here are some of the benefits of submitting your work to International Journal of Tamil Studies:

Global Reach

By submitting your work to this journal, you can be sure that your manuscript or article will be read by experts from all over the world. This provides an excellent platform for intellectual discourse and debate.

High Visibility

Your work is visible to the entire international academic community and will also be archived for future reference. This means that researchers in years to come will be able to refer back to your paper and build upon it.

Peer Review Process

The peer review process ensures that all manuscripts are reviewed by experts from diverse backgrounds who have expertise in the same field as yours. This helps ensure that only quality work is published in the journal.

You can rest assured that if you submit your manuscript or article to International Journal of Tamil Studies, it will receive the attention it deserves!

How to Ensure Your Research Article or Manuscript Is Accepted by the Journal

Writing a quality research article or manuscript that is accepted by the journal can be a daunting task. To ensure that your submission is accepted, here are some tips you should consider when writing and submitting it.

First, read the journal’s guidelines carefully. Kalanjiyam’s International Journal of Tamil Studies offers a specific template and structure for its manuscripts, so make sure you adhere to these guidelines when preparing your submission. Pay close attention to the word count, formatting style, and referencing styles outlined by the journal.

Second, make sure your research is original and that it makes a good impact on society. The journal focuses on Tamil studies, so you’ll need to provide your readers with novel research or take an unconventional approach to a current topic in this area. You should also explain why your research is important and how it contributes to our understanding of Tamil studies.

Thirdly, double-check all details included in your manuscript before submitting it for review by the editorial board. Make sure all references are accurately cited, there are no spelling or grammar mistakes and the language used is clear and concise.

By following these tips when preparing and submitting your research article or manuscript to Kalanjiyam’s International Journal of Tamil Studies, you can increase your chances of getting it published in the March 2023 Issue of the Journal!

Special Consideration for Kalanjiyam’s March 2023 Issue

Are you researching or writing on Tamil Studies? Then you should definitely consider submitting your manuscript for the March 2023 Issue of Kalanjiyam. This issue is a special tribute to the rich heritages, languages, cultures and other elements of the Tamil world.

Benefits of Submitting to Kalanjiyam

If your paper is accepted, it will be published in an open access environment with unrestricted access to the research and publication community. Your paper will be indexed in various reputed indexing bodies, with the help of which it can reach a global audience. Not only that, but you’ll also get amazing professional recognition for your work—including, but not limited to, citations.

Submitting your article to Kalanjiyam also has other benefits:

  • The peer review process is rigorous and completely transparent
  • It’s easy to submit—the journal uses a modern online submission system that makes it easy to go from start to finish in no time at all
  • The journal has a low rejection rate and publishes articles quickly

If you’re looking for an outlet for your research on Tamil Studies, then look no further: Kalanjiyam’s March 2023 Issue is the place! Make sure you submit in time—you don’t want to miss out on this amazing opportunity.


Where to Submit Your Research Article or Manuscript for the March 2023 Issue

Are you ready to submit your research article or manuscript for Kalanjiyam’s March 2023 issue? If so, the first thing you need to do is find where to submit your paper.

Manuscript Submission System (MSS)

The Manuscript Submission System (MSS) is the main platform that Kalanjiyam uses to receive, review, and accept submissions for the journal. It’s fast, easy and secure — making it the perfect place for submitting your paper. The MSS contains detailed guidelines for authors to follow when formatting and submitting papers, so be sure to read through them before getting started.

Topic Areas

Kalanjiyam is looking for research articles or manuscripts that are relevant and related to Tamil Studies. Some of the topics they are looking for include:

  • History of Tamil Literature
  • Tamil Language: Teaching and Learning
  • Linguistics and Literary Criticism
  • Tamil History, Culture and Customs
  • Comparative Studies of Tamil with Other Languages
  • Aesthetics in Tamil Poetics

If you’re unsure whether your paper fits within one of these categories, contact their editorial team today and they can help you decide if it’s a good fit for the journal. Submissions should be written clearly, concisely and in accordance with good standards of academic writing — so make sure everything is double-checked before submitting!

In conclusion, Kalanjiyam invites one and all to submit their manuscripts and research articles for the upcoming March 2023 Issue of the International Journal of Tamil Studies. Kalanjiyam is a great platform for Tamil scholars to showcase their research and ideas, and this opportunity should not be missed by those looking to be a part of a global academic journal. Through our wide range of resources, including online access and searchable databases, Kalanjiyam strives to reach as many Tamil scholars as possible to create an all-encompassing resource that serves everyone in the field. Don’t miss this chance to contribute to the Tamil Studies discourse, and submit your manuscript today!

Academic Journal: Kalanjiyam Invites Manuscript Submissions

March 2023 Issue Invites Submission: International Journal of Tamil Studies Online Now