Journal title (In Regional) களஞ்சியம் - சர்வதேச தமிழ் ஆய்வு இதழ்
Journal title (In English) KALANJIYAM – International Journal of Tamil Studies
Publication language Tamil (தமிழ்), English, Abstract and References in English
Abbreviated key-title: KALANJIYAM - KIJTS
Publishing frequency Quarterly (February, May, August, and November)
E-ISSN 2456-5148
DOI registered Tamil Journal
Advertising Policy
The KALANJIYAM - International Research Journal of Tamil is dedicated to fostering high-quality research and scholarly communication in the field of Tamil studies and related disciplines. In alignment with our mission to maintain the integrity and academic rigor of our publication, we have established a clear and definitive advertising policy. This policy outlines our stance on advertising and underscores our commitment to the principles of objectivity, independence, and scholarly excellence.
One of the key tenets of our advertising policy is our decision not to publish any advertisements on the journal's website. This intentional choice is derived from a fundamental belief that the presence of advertisements could potentially compromise the academic integrity of the content we publish. We understand that the inclusion of commercial advertisements could introduce biases and may influence the perception of the research presented within our pages. To preserve the credibility of our journal and the trust of our readership, we have resolved to keep a clear boundary between academic content and commercial interests.
Moreover, the absence of advertisements allows us to focus solely on the dissemination of knowledge rather than engaging in promotional activities that could detract from our core mission. By not hosting advertisements, we provide a platform solely devoted to scholarly contributions, thereby creating an environment where researchers and scholars can freely engage with the material without the distraction of commercial messages. This distinction is crucial in maintaining a space that prioritizes academic discourse and the sharing of ideas above all else.
In addition to preserving the integrity of our content, our advertising policy reflects our commitment to accessibility and fairness in the publishing process. We recognize that in the realm of academia, resources can often be unevenly distributed, and the pressure to secure funding through advertisements could introduce inequalities in how research is presented and perceived. By refraining from advertisements, we aim to create an equitable platform for all contributors, eliminating concerns about funding sources potentially biasing the research process.
It is also essential to acknowledge that the landscape of academic publishing is continuously evolving, with increasing scrutiny on transparency and ethical practices. By adhering to a strict no-advertising policy, we align ourselves with global best practices that advocate for an unbiased and fair dissemination of scholarly work. Researchers and readers can engage with our content knowing that we prioritize academic scholarship over commercial interests.
In conclusion, the KALANJIYAM - International Research Journal of Tamil’s policy against publishing advertisements on our website is a reflection of our uncompromised commitment to academic integrity, objectivity, and the ethical dissemination of research. By maintaining a clear separation between commercial interests and scholarly contributions, we aim to foster a pure academic environment conducive to research, discussion, and the advancement of knowledge within the Tamil community and beyond. As we move forward, we remain steadfast in our resolve to uphold these principles, ensuring that our journal continues to be a respected and trusted platform for scholars in the field.