Efficacy Of Ict-Based Intervention Package On Thirukkural In Developing Moral Values Among Children With Special Needs

Dr. K. Sambath Rani, Head of department, sambathrani_spl@avinuty.ac.in, 9894030400,K. Alagumani M.Ed Research Scholar, k.alagumanispledu@gmail.com, 9159188862


  • K. Alagumani - Research Scholar Author
  • Dr. K. Sambath Rani Author




Thirukkural, ICT -based intervention, Visual impairment,, moral values


This study aimed to evaluate the ICT -based intervention package on Thirukkural in developing moral values among children with special needs. The research was conducted across three special schools and two inclusive schools in coimbatore. This research involved 32 samples of children aged       6-13 yrs, selected through purposive sampling method. Quasi-experimental design was used in the study to evaluate the impact of the intervention on moral values such as worship of god, the blessing of rain, the greateness of Asthetics, possessions of love and utterance of pleasant words—methods: Research conducted at three intersections such as Locality, Gender, Type of Disabilities. Here we have used a t-test to get the result by comparing the pre-test and post-test of the findings.

Result: Through pre and post test we have concluded that there is a significance difference in terms of Locality, Gender and Types of disabilities.Recommendations for further research: Researcher should conduct similar studies with larger size for more generalized results and perform longitudinal studies with more samples and to increase the the reliability and effectiveness. In addition researcher should to extend research to various types of disabilities.


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Author Biographies

  • K. Alagumani - Research Scholar
    K. Alagumani M.Ed Research Scholar k.alagumanispledu@gmail.com 9159188862
  • Dr. K. Sambath Rani

    Dr. K. Sambath Rani     head of department- guide mam     sambathrani_spl@avinuty.ac.in     9894030400


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How to Cite

K. , A., & K., S. R. (2024). Efficacy Of Ict-Based Intervention Package On Thirukkural In Developing Moral Values Among Children With Special Needs: Dr. K. Sambath Rani, Head of department, sambathrani_spl@avinuty.ac.in, 9894030400,K. Alagumani M.Ed Research Scholar, k.alagumanispledu@gmail.com, 9159188862. KALANJIYAM - International Journal of Tamil Studies, 3(04), 1-24. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13953715

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